Music is an art and inspiration! I appreciate you sharing about swift, her incomparable talent and even loneliness that comes with fame.

This substack is so thought-provoking and I love it!

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Music is sooooo incredibly powerful, and it reaches everyone and everywhere, much deeper than any other art form we know. Steve Jobs knew that and chose to focus Apple on that as a product, which was part of his genius which seriously helped grow Apple into the tech giant it is today. Of all the Arts, musicians have the most incredible reach and influence, so I appreciate you sharing your recent focus on Taylor Swift. She has a lot of talent and is an attractive person who is also very nice... She is a great role model and takes her responsibility as such in a very serious manner (unlike some celebs that set horrible role models and are train wrecks as people... cough... cough... miley.... cough....cyrus). And Taylor Swift makes the most out of what she has and makes it look like it's almost easy and effortless... She is very graceful about it... And graceful can be very mesmerizing.

As you already know, cooking is an art form with a far more diminutive reach, but can have a ton of power within it's small geographical location. I love the scene in Pixar's "Ratatouille" when Anton Ego (the food critic) tastes the Ratatouille and is instantly transported back to a happier time in his childhood, in his mothers country kitchen, eating her rustic Ratatouille.

After music (as an emotion influence), then comes smells and taste, both can be powerful triggers for intense emotions and memories. So it's totally apropos that you focused on both music and food together in your sub stack.

I've eaten at "The French Laundry", in Napa, California, many times (which is where Pixar did their research and borrowed their recipe and presentation for the Ratatouille they made into their animation), so perhaps I am a little biased. There have been many smells and tastes that I have encountered over the years that have triggered strong vivid memories and emotions from my childhood. Other art forms; paintings, sculptures, acting, etc are all great, but don't trigger us as humans in as intimate a way or as strongly as music, smells, and food.

Restaurants are far more intimate and personal than music and far more dangerous in the midst of a viral pandemic. I don't see a lot of restaurants surviving this because there is a ton of risk in eating food someone else made (someone who may have Covid... And seriously... How many strangers do you trust?).

At tonights debate Trump said he had the military on standby, ready to deliver vaccines and said they could do 200 thousand vaccinations per day. There are currently 331 million people in the US, and everyone needs 2 shots (the second one has to be taken within a month or so from the first shot). So if we do the math, that would take 1,655 days to give everyone 1 shot, so double that and we get 3,310 days for everyone to get their 2 shots... Then divide by 365 and ... That's just over 9 years to get the US vaccinated (on Trump's timeline). I think Trump is an effin moron and that we will get through it much faster than the 200K daily timeline he was bragging about. I think it will take around 2 to 10+ years to get this pandemic under control to the point where we can get back to life without thinking about the virus (we still don't have a proven effective vaccine, and 2 years is the best possible timeline with everything going right).

I don't think saving the restaurants is an option for anyone with this lasting at least 2 more years. Some restaurants might survive on take out options, but not all. But I appreciate you voicing your desire and for that I salute you.

On a separate note... I would like to offer a contradiction to your moment of self defeating flagrancy in stating that you are "not anyone"... I've never met you, I live on the other side of the country from you, and yet, here I am reading your writing, and embracing your intellect and influence. You are more than anyone, you are someone, you are you, you are interesting, you are intelligent, and you are good. You are more than worthy of acknowledgement and I think you are worthy of happiness as well. I figured out a while back that the true meaning of life is simply a quest for happiness. Whoever finds the most happiness in life is the biggest winner, and it's never too late to get some for yourself. I wish you happiness Giaae.

-Peace, Love, and Hippy Thoughts-


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