This is really lovely - I adored every moment.

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I think we are all experiencing an emotional pause from exhaustion and uncertainty. Cheetolini is gone, but his legacy and influence is uncertain and dangerous, yet not as threatening on a hourly basis. We have a small glimmer of hope with Covid vaccines but intelligent people are very cautious with their optimism and expectations. We have all been screwed so tight and stressed to the breaking point that we finally have a moment to un-tense, but un-tensing takes time and patience and is not something one can just do, it’s complex and delicate and we are all still fragile and trying to heal. There is still so much threat in the world and we have to be cautious about what, where, and how we relax, while still remaining defensive in other areas. It’s like weeding a garden bed when the weeds look almost identical to the plants we want to keep, we take our time and move slowly, with deliberate caution. It’s ok to pause to regroup, to re-access thoughts, priorities, goals, ambitions, hopes, dreams, ideas, etc. That takes time and quiet and listening to ourselves and the world has changed. We can’t listen and hear if we are constantly talking... So yeah... It’s all good... It’s cool for you to take time for you Giaae. Crafting is a perfect way to do that. One of the reasons I love fishing so much is that it gives me time to think. It’s a beautiful serene environment with all my comfort elements surrounding me, and I can free float with my thoughts. Occasionally, I catch something delicious to take home and cook, and that always brings me joy. You are an awesome writer Giaae, you have a gift/skill/friendship with words. When you focus that on something you are passionate about, magic happens, and it is a joy to read. Over the past few months, I thought about you many times, thinking, I hope Giaae is doing good, she is a good person, we need more people like her in the world. If I never got to read another world of your writing, I would still feel the same way. Regardless of where your quit time / self reflection leads you, I wish you peace and happiness. Thank you for being you. You Rock Giaae!!!

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Appreciate your thoughts and I missed you here!

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